Brief Outline

The first thing that I do when I begin a healing is move the recipient out of their ‘logical’ mind back into their heart and connect them with their body intelligence. 

The ‘logical mind’ is where most of us dwell. As children we taught to override our inner sense of knowing by learning to ‘rationalise’ with ‘logic’, that being ‘practical’ keeps us from making mistakes and safe which is a load of crap. It actually keeps us small. 

You see, our visceral, our body intelligence, our deep inner knowing is what keeps us safe. It’s powerful. We are powerful when we are plugged into our body intelligence. It knows where to guide us, what path we need to take. When we are plugged into a true authority, we are sovereign (see your Human Design Blueprint). 

Enjoy reconnecting with your inner power x


  • start to listen to your inner voice, no matter how faint, and remember it’s like a muscle, the more you flex it, the stronger it becomes

  • no matter how many times you let your mind override the messages, listen, observe and take action to stay in your heart

  • work to keep the heart chakra open

  • listen to the meditation

Dialling Down The Mind Healing

Dialling Down The Mind Mediation is a deep level cleanse with the healing magic embedded within it! It’s nice and short, perfect to listen to before you start your day!