Brief Outline
As you move through life it is a given that you will be contaminated with other’s energy from time to time. You will also contaminate yourself with your unresolved emotions, which will embed within you at a cellular level, if you don’t process and release them. It is, therefore, so important to clear your energy, unplug, and cut the cords to other people, place and things, on a daily basis!
What happens when you don’t release the contaminated energy of others? When you take on the energy of others, you are at risk of carrying the thoughts, feelings and emotions of other, veering off track, and in some cases, living other people’s hopes and dream, unaware that you are contaminated. If you aren’t in alignment, you cannot honor your purpose.
Clearing yourself on a regular basis to stay healthy and aligned is not just a one off practice. How often you clear your energy is dependent on you as an individual , however, the more sensitive you are to energy, or if you are an Projector or a Reflector and ‘borrow’, mesh, or sample the energy of others, the more often you will have to clear you energy.
If you live on your own, and/or work from home, you may not have to clear your energy as often as someone that works in a hospital and lives in a house with six other people.
Every individual is different, so learning and being cognisant of how your energy operates will help you determine how often you need to clear the energetic contamination from your energetic field.
What does it look like when your energy is contaminated?
Experiencing unexplained emotions that don’t fit with who you are, or what’s going on in your life
Living other peoples dreams/lives
Sudden mood changes when you enter a new environment, e.g suddenly feeling angry, sad or happy.
Clearing Tips
Ways to clear your energy:
Meditate/cut energetic cords/ release hooks
Breath work
Swim in the salt water. Alternative to a swimming in the ocean is a salt bath
Smudge white sage
Essential oils (see essential oils)
Play Tibetian singing bowls/ crystal singing bowls/ tuning forks
Place yourself in the violet flame of St Germain
Use the techniques in the recordings below and create your own version of a clearing healing
Clearing Healing
The Clearing Mediation is a deep level cleanse with the healing magic embedded within it! It’s nice and short, perfect to listen to before you start your day!