Brief Outline
Have you ever noticed how you feel when you are in the company of others? Or how they make you feel when you leave their company? Do you feel uplifted by their joyous, infectious energy? Or crappy and depleted by their low vibes? If you haven’t, start to take note and check in when you leave the company of others and really start to notice how you feel. Do you feel energized? Or do you feel completely drained and need to lie down and recharge?
Learning to protect your energy is one most essential practices that often gets missed in energetic hygiene. The first vital step you can take is to learn which energy type you are in Human Design, so you know how you energy operates, and find out whether you borrow others energy, or generate energy for others. I have a whole section on HD in this portal, so head over their to discover what energy type you are!
Protecting your energy prevents the contamination of other peoples energy; their thoughts, feeling, emotions, trauma etc.
If you don’t have your protection bubble ‘on’ you are leaving yourself wide open, especially if you are an empath. Energetic contamination on an energetic level is quite often not perceived by the mind. Being open to the energetic elements without any level of protection leaves you open to the possibility of contaminated by others, even if you are at home on your own. You can pick up, and be effected, by the vibrations of anyone living within 1 km, the environment you live in, vibrations through the news on the TV, talking to someone on the phone or someone sending you negative (or positive) vibes!
Calling in a high level of protection when meditating prevents bringing in low vibrational entities and other peoples crap, especially if you are empathic or a Projector or Reflector.
One of the most important things when creating your energetic bubble of protection is to be very specific eg “I wish to keep the bubble of protection in place for two hours/ three days” etc. “I only wish to r
Create a protection team. I always call in Archangel Michael, and his blue light of protection, the ascended masters for my protection and healing guides and angels. Sit in stillness and ask who are your guides. Perhaps you are drawn to a particular goddess that are resonating with you at a particular time to help guide you through a particular phase. The beauty is, you get to chose your ‘team’ of guides, and they can shift and change depending on what you need at any particular time.
As harsh as this may sound, and as a hard as it may be, get ruthless and cut the toxic people out of your life. What does a toxic person look like? A person that vibes low eg play games with you, gives you the silent treatment, gaslights you, whinges and complains, bitchs and backstab others (remember if they do it with you, they’ll do it to you), has a victim mentality etc.
Create essential oil blends (see EO section on ‘protection’) to diffuse in your home or make up a spray that you can apply when out or about, or in you environmental spaces.
Wear protection crystals, carry them in your pockets or have them placed around the entrances of your home.
The Protection Mediation is a deep level cleanse with the healing magic embedded within it! It’s nice and short, perfect to listen to before you start your day!