Brief Outline
We all have an energetic body that is linked to our physical body. The energy body is made up of systems outside of the body that give energy to the physical body. The energy body surrounds the physical body, drawing universal energy to stimulate and revitalise the physical body.
A clear and free flowing energy body is necessary for the physical body to be able to function at it’s peak, allowing you to maintain as sense of well being and healthy body function.
The Chakra’s are spinning energy centers within the human body that help to regulate all it’s processes, from organ function, to the immune systems and emotions. When the charkra’s are blocked, they can cause illness or pain in specific parts of the body.
There are seven main charkras that are positioned throughout your body, from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. Each of the charkras has it own vibration frequency, colour, and dictate specific functions.
Root Chakra
The Root Chakra, the first charkra, is located at the base of the spine. It’s main job is to connect your mind, body and spirit with the Earth. It helps to keep you grounded and connected to the energy of the earth.
Aligned: a feeling of being grounded in the present, stability, stillness, prosperity, safety and security.
Colour: Red
Sacral Chakra
The Sacral Chakra, the second charkra, is located three inches below the naval. The Sacral Chakra is linked to the lymphatic system and is responsible for expressing emotions and sexual desires.
Aligned: ability to enjoy pleasure, emotional intelligence, sexual satisfaction, passion and the ability to embrace change.
Colour: Orange
The Solar Plexus Chakra
The Solar Plexus, the third chakra, is located behind the naval, below the rib cage. It’s linked with self discipline, self confidence and wisdom. It is also home of the ‘gut instinct’.
Aligned: warmth, confidence, self - discipline, reliability, and a positive sense of self.
Colour: Yellow
The Heart Chakra
The Heart Chakra, the fourth chakra, is the gate keeper of love and compassion. It is located in the center of the chest and is responsible for emotional healing and mental health stability.
Aligned: self - love, contentment, acceptance, compassion, peacefulness, and being centred.
Colour: Green
The Throat Charka
The Throat Charkra, the fifth charkra, is the gate keeper of voicing your expression and being creative. It is located right above the heart and is responsible for expressing your truth and sharing your opinions with others.
Aligned: clear communication with others and yourself, good listening skills, good sense of time and full voice.
Colour: Blue
The Third Eye Chakra
The Third Eye Chakra, the sixth charkra, is the gate keeper to obtaining information about yourself and beyond the spiritual world. It is located between the eyebrows - ‘the third eye’.
Aligned: good memory, ability to remember dreams, ability to visulize and a vision for life.
Colour: Indigo
The Crown
The Crown Chakra, the seventh chakra, is connected with divine and the conscious energy. This chakra is located on the top of your head. Keeping this chakra balanced will help to gain insight into yourself and balance the other chakra’s.
Aligned: wisdom, intelligence, spiritual connection and open mindedness.
Colour: Violet
An aura surrounds anything that has an vibration - human, animal, plants, crystals etc. The aura is the energy field that surrounds the entire physical body and extends outwards, and consists of band of energy called the auric field. It is the bridge between our spiritual and physical body, and is the protective shield that surrounds us and protects us. The auric field is a made up of seven layers that encompass the subtle body and each one connects and corresponds with one of the charkras.
The first four layers of the auric filed are the physical plane:
The Physical Body - the physical body
Ehtric Body - interacts with the physical body and sits one inch from the skin, and is connected to the root charkra. It is white in colour and has the energy of the matrix
Emotional Body - allows you to express yourself and protects your emotions. It sits three inches from the body, is connected to the sacral charkra and is watery in colour
Mental Body - generates thoughts as vibrational patterns called thought - forms. The mental body transmit to the brain. It sits 3 - 8 inches from the body, is connected to the solar plexus and is yellow in colour.
Astral Body - links to the astral plane which is where your spirit guides and teachers reside. This is where you cut the cords with personal relationships that no longer serve you. It sits 6 - 12 inches from the body, is connected to the heart and is pink in colour.
The Spiritual Body - is where your soul / divine purpose lies. When you are in rhythm with your spiritual body your life flows more effortlessly. It sits 14 - 18 inches from your body, is connected to the throat charkra and is blue in colour.
The Celestial Plane - is where you are able to tap into your higher truths and insights. It sits 24 - 32 inches from the body, is connected to the third eye charkra and is silver/gold in colour.
The Ketheric Body - connects you to everybody and everything and holds your spiritual purpose and betterment of yourselves. This auric field gives you a sense of togetherness, sits 24 - 42 inches from the body and is connected to the crown charkra and is iridescent in colour.
The Charkra’s and Aura