Brief Outline
You have a defined Sacral Centre which means that you are an ‘energy being’ and powered by life force energy.The sacral centre is the home of creation, sexuality and physical expression as well as an energetic motor. You energetically light up, and power the world, with your life force energy, when you are lit up by the things that bring you joy. Joy is the key to the engine of your sacral motor.
You are designed to do the things that delight and inspire you. When you do this, you power the collective with you magnetising energy. You influence and impact those around you with you infectious energy when you are living in your joy. You may try many different things to find the one vocation that brings you that joy, but you will find it. Trust in your strategy and authority.
The Generator’s strategy is to actively respond to what life has to offer NOT to initiate. The universe will present the correct things for you to respond to and this require a level of trust.Your inner GPS for this is your sacral response, or ‘gut response’, and you’ll either feel yourself energetically expand towards a something (YES) or energetically contract away from something (NO).
One important thing to note is that have a defined sacral motor does NOT mean that you have energy for all the things, you are not energiser bunnies!! Some days your motor is going to be huge which means that you’ll have a lot of energy to exhaust through creating, socializing, sex and physical outlets. If your motor is huge, your energy will be huge so it’s important to deplete your sacral energy through brain dumping, physical outlets, sex etc before you are able to sleep. Other days you’ll find that you energy is depleted and you will have lower energy levels. The sacral is very cyclical, and as a women, if you are connected to your cycles you will notice that your energy levels waver throughout your cycle. It’s important to surrender to your cycle and rythms.
Remove anything and everything from you life that drains your life force energy (HINT: the things that do not bring you joy)
Outsource as much as possible if you can’t remove eg. hire a cleaner if you don't like cleaning
Brain dumping - journaling
Breath work
Your aura is open, magnetic and enveloping when you are lit up by the things that excite and inspire you and bring you joy. When you envelope others in your aura, you fill others with joy, energy and enthusiasm.
Not Self/Conditioned Self
How do you end up living in the ‘not self’? Through conditioning (see conditioning). The Generator’s ‘ not -self’ is frustration. This may look like:
Being fearful that nothing will happen and trying to force and initiate things
Overcommitting - placing your worth and value in being recognised for your hard work
Not resting
Using up your energy on things that don’t bring you joy
Not trusting that your gut will guide you and align you with the right opportunities and saying “YES’ to things because you think you should.
Focusing on how you are of service to others. This is incorrect. You come first! When you put yourself first, when you do the things that you desires, you will be of service to other through default of influencing them with your magnetism.