Brief Outline


You are a ‘non - energy’ being. The ‘non – energy’ tag can be a little misleading, as it doesn’t mean that you don’t have energy, it just means that you don’t have a defined sacral that generates life force energy. Unlike the ‘energy beings’, who generate energy, you borrow it. If you have any defined motors in your chart (we’ll get to that), you’ll have some of your own energy. You have the gift to see others clearly with you laser focus, penetrating their aura and borrow their energy (this is how you are powered) and amplify it.

As a Projector, you are here to guide the collective to a better way of doing things with your unique insights and views, and are here to rewrite structures and systems. You are not designed to work like a Trojan, so you may find it difficult to fit into society model of what ‘success’ looks like. Your superpower lies in your ability to guide those who seek your knowledge BUT first you must follow your strategy, which is to wait for the invitation. Trust that you will be recognised but those that seek your brilliance. There is no need to force, that is energetically incorrect.


  • Dump the excess energy that you have borrowed at the end of each day, in a quite environment with no stimulus, to help prevent you from taking anything new on board eg yoga, breathwork, mediation etc.

  • Stand barefoot outside on the grass

  • Journal

  • Have a bath with salt water and essential oils (choose oils that will support your specific requirement eg clearing, grounding etc).

  • Diffuse an oil to help clear energetic contamination

  • Cut the cords to energetic ties at the end of everyday

  • being mindful of the people and environments you spend time in


Your inward aura is absorbing when your focus on the other (1:1), as you choose the blur the lines and merge with the others energy so you can see the other person clearly for who they are. By absorbing the other persons energy, you can get a clear picture of how to guide them.

Your outwards energy is focused so you can laser in on the other and see them clearly.

Not Self/ Conditioned Self

How do you end up living in the ‘not self’? Through conditioning (see conditioning). The Projectors ‘ not -self’ is bitterness. You may have been conditioned to live as an ‘energy - beings’ which is not energetically correct for you. The Projectors shadow side (‘ not self’) and fast track to burnout may look like:

  • Trying to keep up with the energetic beings

  • Working too much

  • Placing worth and value in your productivity

  • Over give of yourself to feel recognized for what you bring to the world

  • Not trusting the value you have and trying to find worth in how much you can do and push too hard

  • Not honouring the ebb and flow of your energy.

  • Initiating, forcing, pushing, selling

  • Fishing for invitations

  • Giving unwanted advice