Fear is contagious AF and is so powerful that’s it’s had the collective by the balls over the past couple of years. Whilst feelings of fear are valid and REAL, and people need emotional support, fear is like a chain reaction and spreads like wild fire, especially when our survival is threatened.
Feelings of fear can be a result of energetic contamination of other peoples fears, being raised in a religion with fear based beliefs. a past life that has been activated where we have experienced the fear before, inherited fears from our ancestors through our DNA, or having one of the gates activated in your spleen (see below).
All of these can be potentially cleared though the mediation that I have created. Remember, it’s about.clearing one layer at a time, so the more you listen, the more you release.
I hope you find this helps
Leonie x
INTERESTING FACT: All the gates (energies) that live in the splenic centre of your Human Design chart have the potential to manifest fear within you. If you have any of the gates activated in this centre, you are more than likely to have a predisposition to feelings of fear linked in with your activated gate. The fears that live in the splenic gates are survival based and very primal.
Gate 18 - fear of authority. Fear of parents, teachers and those in power.
Gate 28 - fear of purposelessness. Fear that you will die before you have found your purpose.
Gate 32 - fear that there are not enough resources to go around. Lack mentality of in the physical world.
Gate 44 - feat of making the same mistakes that you’ve made in the past.
Gate 57 - fear of the future and whether you’ll be provided for. Fear of feeling safe in the present moment.
Gate 50 - feat of commitment and starting/joining a family and taking responsibility of their material needs
Gate 48 - fear of hot knowing enough or skilled enough. Fear of not being able to bring a solution to a problem, even though the power lives within you
My splenic centre is lit up like a Christmas tree and I have ALL the gates activated in my spleen. I have mastered the art of not plugging into fear however I am human, I still slip into fear at times. But being aware is half the battle.
check in to see if its even your fear
scan your body to see where its located in your energetics and use the tools in the mediation to clear it. You’ll adapt and learn to create and use your own techniques as you develop your skills.
Look at the filter that you are getting your information from. Where did they get it from? Is it even true.
Turn off the TV
Be discerning of the ‘noise’ you allow into your space, e.g news outlets your listen to, people you associate with, social media accounts you follow.