All Things Energy
What is Energy Healing?
The most frequently asked questions I get are, ‘how does energy healing work?’, and, ‘how do energetic bodies become unhealthy?’! Their are many, many reason but below is a simplified version.
Energy healing is the clearing of energetic blockages to restore balance and flow to our energetic bodies.
Any emotion/trauma, big or small, that you don’t process and release ( we are all guilty of this, we are having a human experience) will energetically sit in your body on a cellular level and fester, contaminating your energetic body, blocking your charkra’s, contaminating your aura’s etc, and lowering your vibration. The emotion/s will not magically dissipate just because you have trained your brain to mind block so you don’t feel them.
It is, therefore, important to practice energetic hygiene so that your spiritual, emotional and physical being can thrive with health and vitality.
A clear and free flowing energy body is necessary for the physical body to be able to function at it’s peak, allowing you to maintain as sense of well being and healthy body function.
Anything that blocks and/or lowers your energy. You can contaminate yourself with your unresolved emotions - the feelings that you do not process, and sit in your body and fester on an cellular, energetic level. You can also be contaminated by others thoughts, feelings or emotions, or be contaminated by the energy of the environments you live and work in. Projectors and Reflectors (see human design) borrow, sample, and mesh their energies with others energy, so are higher risk of contamination.
Your energy is your ‘fuel’, and your physical body is your ‘car’. Do you put contaminated fuel in your car? No, you don’t, because if you do, it effects the way your car runs, and it will eventually break down. It is the same with your energy, if you don’t clear and cleanse it, it will become contaminated and effect the function of your physical body.
Energetic hygiene helps keep your energetic body healthy and vibrating at a higher frequency, so clearing emotions and energetic blockages on a cellular level, protecting yourself from energetic pollutants, and standing grounded in your body is pretty bloody important.
Mind Boundaries vs Energetic Boundaries
I often hear “advice” on what we should do when it comes to protecting our energy using our mind boundaries…‘cut the toxic people out of your life’ , ‘let it go‘, ‘choose not to let them not bother you’ , ‘don’t let them drain you’, etc etc.
In theory it’s sounds pretty easy, right? Is it that easy? NUP!!
You can do all the mind boundaries and blocking that you like but I have to say it, it’s not going to necessarily protect you on a deep energetic level. You see, the energetic body can pick up on vibrations the mind cannot perceive, so while it’s great that you are putting mind boundaries in place to ‘protect’ yourself, it is important to learn energetic boundaries to ‘protect’ yourself as well! That person is still going to drain you on an energetic level, regardless of wether you’ve told your mind to stop them or not!
It’s the same with the “letting it go” advice. Did you actually ‘let it go’ just because your mind decided to? Your mind can decided to ‘let things go’ but have you shifted it on an energetic level, or are you just successfully blocking it from you subconscious? If you don’t energetically shift it, it will sit in your body on an energetic level.
Researcher Bruce Tainio has done extensive studies on our energetic systems and concluded that a healthy body resonates between 62 - 70 MHz, and disease sets in when the body’s vibration drops below 58MHz.
“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way This is not philosophy.”